What can the NBA teach you about success?

Getty Images via @daylife I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a big basketball fan; mostly because I don’t understand the game. But, I did find this  Forbes article useful since it gave nine lessons from the NBA experience of a Harvard-graduate professional basketball player, Jeremy Lin. Most of today’s successful people are not ...

12 Simple Ways to Really Improve in 2014

This article in Inc. presents a unique way that a person can focus self-improvement in 2014. The author's approach focuses on a monthly list of traits that we can improve upon together with practical how-to's to make the trait stick. The premise behind this method is that it's easier to focus improvement in one area at ...

Do you want to have better meeting experiences?

Do find your email inbox filled with an increase in meeting requests? I would be surprised if you respond with a "no". Some recent studies reveal that, conservatively, the average US employee spends approximately six hours per week in scheduled meetings and supervisors spending more time than non-supervisors. Other estimates show that senior managers attend ...

Five Ways to Create a Strong Marketing Plan for 2014

Marketing is an important business function, and, having a marketing plan is key to successful marketing or reaching potential customers. This short article gives us 5 steps in creating a marketing plan. One key I found essential is the distinction that the author makes between "initiatives and tactics". An initiative is the how we will ...

MLK words that inspire

Monday, January 20, 2014 , , Permalink

If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way. ~Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Related articles How did Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. affect your life? #ThankYouMLK Happy birthday Martin Luther King Jr. - Civil rights icon would be 85 today MLK art exhibit aims to connect with Utahns