Defining Your Team’s Mission Leads to Success

Have you ever sat and asked yourself what the mission or purpose of your team was? In other words, why does your team exist? What do they set out to accomplish? If you can’t answer these questions easily, it might be smart to think some things through.

Have you ever been to a long meeting and felt like nothing was completed? Most likely that meeting didn’t have a clearly stated purpose or agenda, and because of that it lacked focused discussion. Similar to the meeting, establishing the purpose and mission of a particular role or team will give it both focus and life.

According to Michael Rogers of, “without purpose motivation will wane,” and because of this it’s important to work with your team to make goals and make sure that they know what they’re working toward. Is it to generate diverse ideas? Support others? Improve resources?

Use the following questions below developed by Rogers to help find your team’s purpose. Doing so will not only help you become more focused and organized, it will also help you establish a strong synergy and give means for productive team improvement.

  1. What are the most important things we focus on as a team?
  2. What do we have in common as a team? What are our common goals?
  3. What would others say is our purpose?


define team mission-P

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