Learn to Delegate Even if You’re a Control Freak

Learn to delegate if you want to be a successful leader. I know that for some this is easier said then done. The ones that have the greatest challenge are individuals who regularly take over a project because “no one else will do it right.” Often these people are described as control freaks. Are you one? Yes? No? Maybe?

Dr. Shelley Prevost in “8 Signs You’re a Control Freak” tells us that most control freaks “rarely know they are one.” So, she presents ways you can self-diagnose your workplace behavior to see if you are a controlling personality.

Let’s face it, without delegation, a manager or entrepreneur will fail. Why? Because you can’t do it all. If you attempt to control every detail of projects and business operations you will run yourself to the ground. And, if you don’t delegate properly your workers or teammates will soon leave the work on your desk. You will then have a dispirited and unhealthy work environment.

Over the years, I have learned that being a good delegator is an art. You can learn how to do it right while maintaining high performance standards. Marty Zwilling at StartupProfessionals.com explains eight steps to take for effective delegating. Here’s a quick summary of the steps, according to Marty:

  1. Choose what tasks you are willing to delegate.
  2. Pick the best person to delegate to.
  3. Trust those to whom you delegate.
  4. Give clear assignments and instructions.
  5. Set a definite task completion date and a follow-up system.
  6. Give public and written credit.
  7. Delegate responsibility and authority, not just the task.
  8. Avoid reverse delegation.

I hope these articles have given you some ideas for self-reflection and professional development. Managing an organization or business is no easy task. Our successes life and work come from developing productive relationships with others.


learn to delegate


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6+3 = 9, but so does 5+4. The way you do things isn’t always the only way to do them. Respect other people’s way of thinking.



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