A Navajo Story That Helps You Look at Your Leadership Style

The Navajo Nation is a tribe of Native American people of the United States. Their spiritual practice is about restoring balance and harmony to a person’s life to produce health.

Navajo Tale and Leadership

There is Navajo story that tells a parable that will make you think about your behavior as a leader. Woven in the story is the theme of the balance between good and evil. The story is simple yet powerful. Here’s the story:

An old Navajo told his grandson that sometimes he feels there is a fight that is going on inside him. He said it is a fight between two wolves.

One wolf is evil. It is the wolf of anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, superiority, fear of healing my body and mind, fear of succeeding, fear of exploring what has been said by others to be the truth, fear of walking in others’ moccasins and seeing glimpses of their reality through their eyes and heart, using empty excuses that my heart knows are false.

The other wolf is good. It is the wolf of joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, empathy, caring for those who have helped me even though their efforts have not always been perfect, the willingness to forgive myself and others, and realizing that my destiny is in my hands.

The grandson thought about it and asked: ‘But grandfather, which wolf wins?’

His grandfather replied: ‘The wolf that I choose to feed.’

Ask Yourself

  • Which wolf are you feeding?
  • Are there specific times that trigger a feeding?
  • Which wolf are you encouraging those you lead to feed?
  • How do you encourage them to feed that wolf?
Image Credit
TWO WOLVES NOSE AGAINST NOSE” by Emmanuel Keller, used under  CC BY-NC-ND 2.0/Desaturated from original and added text

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