Mindfulness: How It Can Help Your Meetings

Mindfulness – “What’s that?” you might ask. I know it sounds "new age-y", but there is business value in this concept.  Being mindful is a state of mind and practice that helps us purposely pay attention to the present moment. It’s more active than awareness. You use energy and time to focus. I'm always searching for ...

Make Your Meetings More Effective

Meetings are a way of life in the business world. They control how we do business today. They are so prevalent that each working day 11 million meetings occur in the U.S. Busy professionals attend an average of 62 meetings a month How do meetings benefit us? They are critical for management and communication. Some of the ...

Do you want to have better meeting experiences?

Do find your email inbox filled with an increase in meeting requests? I would be surprised if you respond with a "no". Some recent studies reveal that, conservatively, the average US employee spends approximately six hours per week in scheduled meetings and supervisors spending more time than non-supervisors. Other estimates show that senior managers attend ...