Savvy Leaders Give Credit to Others at Work

Savvy leaders know that a way to inspire employees is to extend credit to individuals. Recognition contributes to employee motivation and produces job satisfaction. Sounds simple, right? But what usually takes place is managers don’t recognize workers. Management doesn’t recognize the people who came up with a concept. They overlook those workers who helped a program grow and blossom into a company success. Certainly, a worst ...

Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success

High School is such a formative time in our lives despite the moments of social angst. These four years can give a person personal habits s/he will use for success in college and the workplace. Angela Ruth in her article “Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success” highlights these seven habits: Time Management Being Proactive Being Prepared Setting Attainable Goals Learning ...

Little Things Can Lead to Big Succes

 A former boss once advised, “It’s the little things that make the difference. They’ll make you or they’ll eat your lunch.” From that moment on, I took to heart the notion of making sure that the little things were done right. Little things--like making sure a speaker’s name is spelled correctly on a program, confirming ...

Motivational Tips For Running a Business From Home

Did you know that every 11 seconds a home-based business is launched? This is great news for our small business economy. But once the initial excitement of starting a new business wears off , these budding entrepreneurs may face some motiviational challenges. This article gives some tips on how to prevent and overcome some of ...