7 Ways To Change Your Thinking When Under Pressure

Feeling pressure, as many know, is inevitable—you’re bound to feel pressure at some point in your professional life. If you’re like most people, the pressure hits hard at times and we know it can be difficult to pull through. It’s always at the worst time, and there’s usually never an easy solution. As unfortunate as this ...

How Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are [Video]

Our body language not only sends out messages it also shapes who we are. Amy Cuddy, professor, and researcher at Harvard Business School teaches that our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior then our behavior can change our outcomes. Listen to Dr. Cuddy explain her thoughts in this Ted Talks video. ...

10 Tips for Going on a Business Trip With Your Boss

There are many perks of going on a business trip. You get to travel to new cities, tour various workspaces, drink new coffee drinks—all sorts of exciting things! Unfortunately, as much as we’d like to think of these trips as “mini-vacations,” they are usually quite the opposite - especially if you travel with your boss. Even ...

8 Ways Successful People Deal With People They Don’t Like

Chances are that at some point in your life, you’re going to meet with annoying people or with someone who you don’t exactly see eye to eye with. They might get on your nerves, have different political views or be disrespectful. Whether it be at work or out of the workplace, it’s important to know ...

Reasons Why You Should Send a Job Application Follow-Up Email

Sending a job application follow-up email will help you stand out in the sea of job applicants. In a world filled with plenty of qualified candidates and a highly competitive job market, finding work can be a tiring process. Standing out from the rest of the applicants is a struggle, but there are things you ...