BTW–You’re Accountable For These Management Behaviors

Managers are accountable for a world of duties, mostly supervisory in nature. The best bosses recognize that the people-side of a manager’s job is critical to operations. A manager is accountable for what? The Harvard Business Review defined management as “the responsibility for the performance of a group of people.” I like this explanation because it points ...

Tips for Increasing Productivity By Removing Distractions

Managing productivity is a key responsibility of leaders. A team leader oversees the workloads of others while handling her/his personal production. Often there is a climate of interruptions and distractions that clash with the ability to focus on tasks and projects. As a supervisor you should come to the fore and seek ideas to alter ...

Savvy Leaders Give Credit to Others at Work

Savvy leaders know that a way to inspire employees is to extend credit to individuals. Recognition contributes to employee motivation and produces job satisfaction. Sounds simple, right? But what usually takes place is managers don’t recognize workers. Management doesn’t recognize the people who came up with a concept. They overlook those workers who helped a program grow and blossom into a company success. Certainly, a worst ...

Planning Summer Vacation Tips for Business Owners

Although spring has just started, business owners should start planning a summer vacation. Plans should balance the need for a summer break and business activities. Employee Vacations A helpful place to start is to examine your vacation policy. Do you have one? Is it written? Are your employees aware of it? Spend time examining and updating it. ...