What can you do for Employee Appreciation Day?

March 4th is Employee Appreciation Day in the U.S., and there are many ways that you as an employer can show your employees that you care. As well as providing a job and a salary, it is always a good idea to go the extra mile and let your team know just how much you appreciate them. The fact is that valued employee is more likely to be a more productive employee, feel more engaged with your company and be less liable to look elsewhere for employment. There are several ways of making this day special and giving your employees a lift at this time of year.

Something individual is always a fantastic way to show your appreciation. When you take the time to let someone know exactly why they are appreciated and what it is they add to the team, then this can go a long way to creating a great feeling. A card that you have handwritten a note that explains to the employee why you value them is a fantastic way of achieving this. The card can go alongside a gift that is unique to that particular team member. If they’re an avid reader, then a book gift card would be terrific, the film buff would appreciate a movie magazine subscription while the green-thumb gardener would love something for the garden. Here is where your communication skills and knowledge of your team pays dividends. If you know the person, then ou can appreciate the person. Buying individual gifts shows how much thought and effort you have put into this.

Most teams would love the chance to bond more. Most team leaders would jump at the opportunity to get their team working together a little better by understanding what makes each other tick. With the time pressures outside of work such as family and hobbies, this doesn’t always happen as much as you would like. To show your appreciation of your team and of the fact that time is precious, you could take them out for lunch. To spend a little quality time together outside of the work environment will do you all good. It once again shows that you appreciate their efforts from the whole year. People may get a chance to speak to colleagues about things other than work. And, you will get an opportunity to show them how much you care.

The break from work doesn’t just have to happen outside of the workplace. Just to shut down for an hour and spend time together having a celebration of the hard work over the past 12 months is an excellent idea. You can arrange food and a party cake for the whole team to enjoy. It will make a break from the general hard work that goes on and these events are those that are looked back on fondly and always spoken with fondness in the future.

Now, even March 4 crept up on you, and you didn’t get something together — don’t panic. Select one day next week and make that your personal holiday. Just tell your staff that time passed, but you don’t want to lose the opportunity to let them that you value them and their work. Then, tell them about your upcoming celebration. Whatever you are planning for Employee Appreciation Day, make sure you have put thought into what your team means to you.

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