6 Reasons Why People Centered Leaders Are Successful

People centered individuals are usually highly successful in business and life.  Unlike their data-centric counterparts, people-centric leaders focus on what matters most - their personnel. Being mindful of who and why you’re hiring as well as investing in individuals’ personal development goes a long way to running a prosperous company. I appreciate business owners who realize numbers aren’t always the answer. Unfortunately, many managers ...

8 Ways Successful People Deal With People They Don’t Like

Chances are that at some point in your life, you’re going to meet with annoying people or with someone who you don’t exactly see eye to eye with. They might get on your nerves, have different political views or be disrespectful. Whether it be at work or out of the workplace, it’s important to know ...

What is effective communication skills? [Funny Video]

Here’s a video that shows what is effective communication skills and how important leadership communication is. Although, the video doesn’t tackle the issues directly, it makes a strong case for solid communication in our organizations. Many organizational problems can be avoided with clear and prompt communication. We frequently assume that others understand what we’re talking about, ...

Learn to Delegate Even if You’re a Control Freak

Learn to delegate if you want to be a successful leader. I know that for some this is easier said then done. The ones that have the greatest challenge are individuals who regularly take over a project because “no one else will do it right.” Often these people are described as control freaks. Are you ...

5 Things To Consider When Correcting Employee Behavior

Employee behavior can become a management problem. In fact, one aspect of leadership that many forget about is the importance of addressing behavioral issues with employees in a constructive and effective manner. In a respected position of influence, it’s your job to make sure that your employees have the resources they need to succeed. How do ...