7 Ways To Change Your Thinking When Under Pressure

Feeling pressure, as many know, is inevitable—you’re bound to feel pressure at some point in your professional life. If you’re like most people, the pressure hits hard at times and we know it can be difficult to pull through. It’s always at the worst time, and there’s usually never an easy solution.

As unfortunate as this reality is, there are many methods and tools we can use as business owners and leaders to try to combat pressure as it hits. One particular method is known as “reframing”, is an effective way to handle pressure as it helps you to see difficult situations from a new and more positive perspective.

In this article, blogger Marty Zwilling writes about a new book titled Crunch Time: How to Be Your Best When It Matters Most. The book, written by Rick Peterson (a former MLB pitching coach) and Judd Hoekstra (a business consultant), explains the principles of reframing.

Below, find Zwilling’s own take on “reframing” as it pertains to business and leadership. Broken into seven pieces of advice, these methods can be employed by professionals in all fields:

  1. Reframe competitive threats to opportunities.
  2. Reframe from fighting harder to changing the game.
  3. Reframe from tension to humor in your approach.
  4. Reframe from anxiety to taking control.
  5. Reframe from doubt to confidence and skill.
  6. Reframe from failures to learning moments.
  7. Reframe from barely prepared to over-prepared.

To read Zwilling’s insights more in-depth, click here.




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