Make Your Meetings More Effective

Meetings are a way of life in the business world. They control how we do business today. They are so prevalent that each working day 11 million meetings occur in the U.S. Busy professionals attend an average of 62 meetings a month How do meetings benefit us? They are critical for management and communication. Some of the ...

Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success

High School is such a formative time in our lives despite the moments of social angst. These four years can give a person personal habits s/he will use for success in college and the workplace. Angela Ruth in her article “Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success” highlights these seven habits: Time Management Being Proactive Being Prepared Setting Attainable Goals Learning ...

Get the Praise You Deserve at Work

Have you ever worked hard on a project only to see a teammate or your supervisor get all the praise? Amy Gallo, contributing editor at Harvard Business Review, gives readers eight tactics on how to come back after such a situation. Her plan of attack includes: Don't be foolhardy. Take time to cool down Evaluate the severity of the situation Ask why Remedy the situation Be proactive about averting a repeat of the situation Model good credit sharing   How to Respond When Someone Takes Credit for Your Work There’s nothing more infuriating than someone ...

Don’t hurt your office communication while you’re on vacation

When I plan on being away from the office either on vacation, attending a conference or any event that would keep me away from my office communication for more than one business day, there are two important items on my To Do list for the afternoon of my departure. These items are: to record a new ...