How can a leader be a servant?

Lately I've been revisiting a tried-but-true leadership concept that took shape in the 1970's-80's--servant leadership. Robert K. Greenleaf is known as the father of modern servant leadership and founder of the Greenleaf Center for Servant Leadership. The concepts of servant and leader, naturally, bring thoughts of tension between the two concepts. Why? Because, frankly, most of us have ...

Key Facts to Know About Credit Card Change

Did you know that there is a major change facing small business owners who accept credit cards? Beginning on October 1, 2015, you and your customers will stop swiping credit cards. Instead, credit cards will be equipped with a small computer chip that is nearly impossible to counterfeit. These new cards are called EMV cards. What is EMV? EMV ...

3 Principles for a Successful Workplace

After reading this article that suggests ideas on how a business can create a successful workplaceenvironment for remote workers, I decided that the author, Sean Graber, was on target. I also think Mr. Graber's three core principles apply to any #workplace – from a small business to major corporation to government settings and the non-profit world.The author’s three core ...

5 Tips to help you overcome obstacles in business

At one time or another most business owners find themselves trying to overcome obstacles that suddenly pop-up in their psyche. These are the times when an #entrepreneur feels her enthusiasm for the business waning or he finds himself growing frustrated or jaded. Often, the reasons behind the change are not easily pinpointed. Maybe it's the ...

Recent Report Gives the In’s and Out’s of Restaurant Worker Salaries

Are you a good tipper? Or are you one of those customers who begrudgingly adds 10% to your total bill? Have you ever wondered how much that friendly server makes? What about that chef who prepares interesting and delicious menus? Or that great bartender who makes your cocktail just the way you like it? PayScale recently published its ...

Are franchises small businesses?

Recently, the Seattle City Council unanimously approved an ordinance that impacts area small businesses. The new law will raise the minimum wage to $15/hour over a period of time. Among the many viewpoints surrounding this ordinance is the discussion regarding indepently owned franchises versus locally owned independent businesses. Under the Seattle ordinance, locally owned independent franchises are ...