What is the best way to quit your job like a professional?

Before you quit your job, give a thought on the how to quit. That’s right; there is a right way and a wrong way to terminate your employment. I’m always amazed at how people leave their jobs. Some people are ecstatic about the change that they develop the attitude of “I’m out of here.” This behavior happens even when individuals are content with their work.

Thomas Heath explains how to resign with finesse.

How to quit a job you hate with grace

If 2017 is the year you leave a job where you are miserable, whatever you do, suck it up and plan for a graceful exit. Too many people give into their negative feelings on the way to their next job and commit career suicide by trashing their former employer, said Cornelia Shipley, a speaker and an executive coach with more than 20 years experience training clients on how to formulate personal and professional goals. The world has changed from the days where you got a job for life, stayed in the same house and waited for retirement. Read more…

Actions to Take as Your Quit Your Job

    • Tell your boss in person, no voice mail message, no email, and no text message. Your decision to leave is important, and it is equally important to deliver your message in person. Don’t forget to thank your supervisor for the opportunity to work in the organization. Follow-up, your announcement in writing, confirm your last date of employment and end with a thank you.
    • Decide with your employer the when what and how to tell your co-workers that you are leaving. Be sincere when you express your appreciation for working with them and try to leave on a high note. You may be leaving a job, but not your relationships. Remember to thank your mentors and sponsors. And, establish plans to stay in touch.
    • Make a transition plan for your departure. Don’t leave your employer or team in a bind. Also, be willing to train someone to bridge the gap between your exit and the hiring of a replacement.
    • Deliver quality work until your last day. In this article, I provided details on things to remember as you prepare for a job change.
    • Don’t overlook employment details. Matt Gingell covers other details to deal with as you depart.


    Image via Independent.co.uk



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