How Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are [Video]

Our body language not only sends out messages it also shapes who we are. Amy Cuddy, professor, and researcher at Harvard Business School teaches that our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior then our behavior can change our outcomes.

Listen to Dr. Cuddy explain her thoughts in this Ted Talks video. She also shares her journey from feeling powerless to becoming a confident individual.


Body Language and Power Poses

Amy’s last piece of advice is very worthy of repeating. Before your next stressful meeting or engagement, spend two minutes in various power poses. But, you don’t have to have a frightful situation facing you – spend two minutes practicing power poses throughout the day and over time you will become equipped to face any encounters you may experience. How does this work?

First, let’s visit about two hormones. Testosterone is the hormone linked to power and dominance in the animal and human worlds. Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” can cause an impaired immune system, hypertension, and memory loss. By holding one’s body in expansive, “high-power” poses for two minutes we raise our levels of testosterone and lower levels of cortisol. Besides a hormonal shift, the power pose leads to an increased feeling of power and a higher tolerance for risk. Remember Dr. Cuddy said that our bodies can change our minds (power pose), our minds change our behavior (hormonal shift) and our behavior changes outcomes.

This Harvard business article gives more information on power poses



Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash



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