Don’t Get Fired by Making These Mistakes

Don’t get fired—my three-word advice that I have given many unhappy employees over the years. When an employee becomes disheartened at work, she needs to be extra careful not to slip into behaviors that will get her fired. There’s no reason to look for trouble there are numerous things that smart, industrious people unwittingly do ...

How To Work From Home Successfully

If you work from home, I’m sure you’ll agree that it can be a juggling act at times. Working at home is an option not only for self-employed individuals. According to Global Workplace Analytics, 3.7 million employees (2.8% of the workforce) now work from home at least half the time. They further report that 22% ...

Bad Habits to Avoid in the Workplace

Displaying bad habits around the workplace can create an unhealthy and unproductive environment. We all show behaviors from to time that or coworkers find irritating, but most of us change our ways when we realize the impact our actions have on others. Let’s take a look at some naughty and annoying habits. Tardiness The number one offense ...

Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success

High School is such a formative time in our lives despite the moments of social angst. These four years can give a person personal habits s/he will use for success in college and the workplace. Angela Ruth in her article “Seven Habits You Learned In High School That Are Crucial For Work Success” highlights these seven habits: Time Management Being Proactive Being Prepared Setting Attainable Goals Learning ...