9 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Next Job Application

Filling out a job application is a fact of life. And, we’re all familiar with the feeling of anticipation when waiting for a reply from a potential employer. You’re sure that you are a perfect match for the job and that your resume was perfect, so why didn’t you get a response?

There is always one reason or another why a potential employer might not respond to your job application. As it turns out, applicants often make some common mistakes and being aware of them can actually help you avoid them.

With the help of resume expert Dawn Rasmussen, Jillian Kramer of Glamour.com reveals nine common mistakes made by job applicants. Using this knowledge, you should be able to land your dream job in no time!

Common Job Application Blunders

You didn’t network the job.

Even though it might be tempting to apply for any and every job you want, it might not be the smartest approach. According to Rasmussen, you only have a 2% chance of getting an interview this way. By using your networking skills to meet potential employers before you apply, you give yourself a far better chance of getting an interview.

You didn’t tell the reader your goal.

Whether by résumé, cover letter or email, it’s important to make your goal clear to your potential employer. Your background will speak to this, so make sure that you highlight your relevant experience.

You forgot to use keywords in your résumé.

Few people may know that companies often use special software that scans through résumés looking for keywords that the ideal candidate would surely possess. Play it safe and make sure to include specific words from the job description.

Your résumé isn’t readable.

It’s not uncommon for applicants to submit resumes that have too much or too little information. “Too many people fall into the trap of trying to cram all of their information on one page. Your résumé should be eye-appealing to read. That means having white space around the edge, using bullet points, and simple fonts,” says Rasmussen.

You left off your measurable accomplishments.

One way to make yourself stand out from the crowd is to include your measurable accomplishments on your résumé. According to Rasmussen, including numbers is even better as they show concrete evidence of your performance.

You didn’t think about value every step of the way.

When you working your way through the application process, remember to emphasize the fact that you would be an asset and bring great value to the company. According to Rasmussen, “If you can’t articulate how you have helped companies, the employer isn’t going to be buying what you are selling.”

You referenced months rather than year.

When giving your job history, don’t include months – just focus on the years. If the employer wants more specific time frames, you can always give them upon request.

You didn’t use a professional email address.

It’s important to use a good, solid email address when applying for jobs. When potential employers see non-business addresses like “cutiepie10@aol.com”  they might pass you over simply based on that. Play it safe and create a new, professional address using Google or another well-known email hosting company.

You didn’t say thank you.

If you want to leave a lasting and classy impression, make sure to say thank you. When you submit your résumé and after your interview, take the time to thank the recruiter/interviewer. Even if you don’t end up with this particular job, this gesture demonstrates “a higher interest level in the company than most applicants, which could put you at the front of the line for other openings.”









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